Rehabilitation Therapy: Rehabilitation is recommended for patients that may have disc disease, osteoarthritis, pre and post-surgical procedures, orthopedic cases, upper respiratory diseases and more.
We also see a lot of geriatrics for maintenance pain control; this may include but not limited to: acupuncture, laser therapy, pulse electromagnetic bed, massage, stretches, and hydrotherapy.
Please contact us to discuss your patient and any questions you may have.
If you decide this is the right next step for your patient, email us the records and we will send over a referral form for you to fill out. After the initial assessment, we would keep you updated on the treatment and progress of your patient. Our certified canine rehab therapist, Lynn Low PT, will also send you updates regularly as we believe it is in the patient’s best interest to work together and keep open communication with you.
Acupuncture: If you have any questions about acupuncture and how it works, Dr Wilson will be happy to answer any questions you may have. She took the Medical Acupuncture Course for Veterinarians and focuses on not only the anatomy but the physiological changes that occur with each acupuncture point.
Please email us at
or call us at 603-833-2313 if you have any questions or would like to schedule a time to speak to Lynn Low, PT or Dr Tasha Wilson to see if your patient would benefit from these treatments.