
Electroacupuncture helps to provide relief for dogs with chronic pain. Electroacupuncture is similar to acupuncture, a widely practiced form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Just like acupuncture, needles are placed in appropriate acupuncture points based on the disease and concerns. With electroacupuncture, a mild and gentle electric current passes between 2 needles, which causes constant stimulation – like twirling the needle, or other hand manipulation techniques used by acupuncturists.

Electroacupuncture can target specific diseases by using different settings, targeting blood flow to specific organs.

Electroacupuncture isn’t necessarily only used to treat a specific disease or illness, but rather to help with chronic pain relief.

“Dogs who have chronic pain or severe pain from arthritis tend to show an improved range of motion and relief of pain after electroacupuncture treatments. Electroacupuncture increases stimulation through electrical frequencies to particular areas within your dog’s body. Studies have shown electroacupuncture can also be beneficial for treating paralysis in dogs.”

Electroacupuncture and Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD):

If your dog has been diagnosed with IVDD or disc disease, this can be an emergency situation. Therefore, we highly recommend following your veterinarian’s recommendation, but also contact us ASAP. Dr. Wilson will try to accommodate you as soon as possible. The sooner acupuncture and laser therapy are performed, the better chance we have to improve the prognosis.

Here is a great article on electroacupuncture and IVDD:

*Emergency appointments are available for this condition. Emergency fees vary from $70-150.00 depending on the day/hours.

Dr. Wilson highly recommends it for dogs
with chronic disease, pain, or back issues.

Rehabilitation Treatments

  • Comprehensive Initial Consult
    (60 MIN)
  • Includes: comprehensive evaluation, complete pain assessment, joint supplement discussion, first treatment/ccupuncture (if needed). Measurements of range of motion, muscle mass, and flexibility tests may be done at this time. Take-home exercises will be provided.
  • Pain Management & Rehabilitation Follow Up Treatment(s)
  • Includes: Treatment session(s) up to 45 minutes that are customized specifically for your pet and their rehabilitation needs.

    Packages are available. Contact us for more details.

Contact Acupetvet About Electroacupuncture Therapy

Get Started

14 Littleworth Rd, Dover, NH 03820. Click here for a map to our location

(603) 833-2313

Hours: Mon. & Tue. 9-6, Wed. 8-3, Thur. 9-7, Fri. 9-2.

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